
Our accreditations

TÜV NORD Integra is an accredited certification body.

This means that TÜV NORD Integra is controlled by accreditation bodies which assures a well-considered quality system, which, among other things, guarantees the impartiality and the confidentiality of the inspections and audits carried out by TÜV NORD Integra.

TÜV NORD Integra is accredited by the Belgian accreditation body BELAC and by ASI (Assurance Services International). Because TÜV NORD Integra belongs to the German TÜV NORD Group, TÜV NORD INTEGRA can also offer certificates under the accreditation of the German accreditation body DAKKS


TÜV NORD Integra is accredited by the Belgian accreditation body BELAC

  • for the standard ISO 17020 for inspection bodies (certificate number 103-INSP).
  • for the standard ISO 17065 for product certification (certificate number 103-PROD).

TÜV NORD Integra is accredited by ASI (Assurance Services International)

  • for the voluntary sustainability standard RSPO SCC- ASI-ACC-058.


TÜV NORD Integra
Statiestraat 164
B - 2600 Berchem

Tel.: +32 (0)3 287 37 60